Rabu, 11 April 2012

Kenyang IB

libur! I'm so pleasure when I hear that! Hal paling disukai oleh seorang pelajar apalagi kalo bukan LIBURAN! maybe, only one, two, or three student who don't likes holiday. setiap orang membutuhkan waktu untuk men refreshkan pikirannya dari sekian rumitnya rutinitas yang mereka hadapi, tidak terkecuali seorang workhard, dia pasti juga membutuhkan ruang gerak untuk sedikit benapas, Definitely!

buat anak boarding school seperti gue, libur itu mahaaaaalll banget harga nya! the expensive thing! Tapi beberapa bulan terakhir ini from march to april yeah..I get more holiday! So...it is that's why I said "kenyang IB"

IB as usually we say, Ijin Bermalam atau pulang kerumah masing masing. usually we get Ib on weekend, yeah on saturday until sunday! eventhough we only get limited time for gathering with our family, but... as a boarding school's student that's not big deal for us! #Udah biasa deh! Hahaha..yah begitulah nasib anak asrama.

but, I guess holiday made me be a lazy student to opened my book again after holiday! I dunno why? But..yeah that's a reality, not only me, all of my friends had the same opinion with me! So..it's made me confused, when we didn't got holiday, we said that "please I need holiday" and when we got holiday we said that "omigatt..holiday made me forgot to all of my homework and my subject"
that's complicated peoblems haha..

yaaah..lupakan masalah dampak negatif kebanyakan IB yang pasti pergunakanlah waktu sebaik baik nya because life goes on! Don't afraid and worrying about that! Just enjoying hahaha

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